Saturday, May 16, 2009

Enjoy the Ride

For those of you who haven't heard, Huggies is finally jumping on board and doing a points system like Pampers. Its called Enjoy the Ride. You can find points in different places around the internet, on coupon mailings and such. You can also earn points on the Enjoy the Ride website by answering questions on a poll and watching very short videos!
I have some points for you to get started here:
*use this one when you first sign up:
TKHNF-RLPLS-TRPGB (good for 5 pts)
*and this one (I think this is one that prompted me to print a $2 coupon)
TRPGB-RDDNS-PPPGB (good for 2 pts)

I'll post more codes as I find them!!!
Enjoy the Ride......

1 comment:

  1. I signed up a few days ago. So do you get codes when you guy huggie diapers? I wasn't sure how it worked...
